Hello, my name is...
When I started this blog last summer, I did so with the intention of sharing my favorite places from my travels, and a few tips here and there on life and yummy food. But, I never took a moment to introduce myself beyond that. So, hi, my name is Michelle! And if you are reading this, and have read this, chances are you are a friend, and I love you for that, and you most likely know all I am about to say. If you are new, welcome!
Here are some quick things about me:

I have my own company (whaaaaaaat! more below!)
I am a borderline groupie for the Dave Matthews Band and wildly regret not trying to attend more shows in my 20s (and am making up for it now!)
The Aperol Spritz is my new standard go-to drink
My Chanel makeup collection (err, addiction?) is the modern day equivalent of Carrie Bradshaw and Manolo Blahniks
My ability to speak French increases with wine!
Hiking is not my jam, unless it's hiking Cinque Terre, or the Path of Gods in Positano (as seen here!)
I started a company two and a half years ago called MODE Public Affairs. I came up with that name after a career in government affairs, communications and economic development led me to work with companies on communications strategies, and so many of them were not taking into account where they were in the lifecycle of their company. I was working with companies in start up mode, growth mode, recovery mode and some, in crisis mode. Hence, MODE.
As a communications professional, I have clearly taken this play on words way too far, and now refer to everything as some sort of “mode,” whether it’s work mode, fun mode or travel mode, which are basically my three modes. The kicker is, prior to starting my company, I never focused on fun mode, and very rarely could enjoy travel mode. The single best part of having my own firm is being able to finally be able to prioritize the life part of the work-life balance.
Weeks after starting MODE, I went on a 10-day trip to Italy, where I fell absolutely head over heels in love with that country. The entire trip was a dream, with some of my best days ever (looking at you vintage Fiat tour!), and solidified a new mindset of how important travel - and time away from work - is to me.
So you can imagine that when it was time to think about turning 40 and planning around that milestone event, travel was definitely involved. Conversations were had about wine weekends in Napa or a long weekend in Monterey and Carmel, or a few days in Turks & Caicos. Then there was the trip planned for April to visit my niece in London, with a few days in Paris, that was obviously canceled.
I was so very much looking forward to celebrating an early birthday in Paris with Champagne and macarons on the Champ de Mars, watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle. And then of course, there was the long awaited trip to the Gorge to finally take part in "Labor Dave Weekend," a three-day concert of Dave Matthews Band, a right of passage for Dave fans, that is now postponed to 2021.
Look, I have never been fazed by the idea of turning 40, or by any birthday really. When I was younger, I remember telling my mom that I wanted to stay that age forever. My mom nearly yelled at me telling me to never say that, as getting older sure beats the alternative. And that has stuck with me all this time. Don’t get me wrong, do I miss the ability to eat an entire pizza and go out all night without needing a full week to recover followed by watching what I eat to offset that pizza night, sure.
But, here we are. This is 40. And I love where my life has taken me. I lived in seven states by the time I was 14, which makes for an interesting story, let me tell you (no, not a military brat; my dad was a “corporate nomad” whose job took us from state to state). I grew up primarily on the east coast and lived the longest in Connecticut, which I consider to be where I am from, even though I have lived in Arizona far longer, and my parents live two miles from me.
I moved to DC after college to work on the Hill, and the mere four months – which felt like four years in hindsight with all I experienced – could be its own blog! And I met and married my husband here in Phoenix, where most of the year we can sit outside on patios enjoying said Aperol Spritzes! We have two furbabies, Cooper and Millie, who I am certain the Earth revolves around.
I have so many places on my travel bucket list, and so many things to do and see yet. And I cannot wait to keep exploring.
Explore more on my Instagram!