Big or small, there is good in the world right now.

I was standing in line at Target getting last minute items for my trip to Paris last April, when my phone buzzed with breaking news - the Notre Dame was on fire. I remember immediately tearing up when I saw the first images of the fire, my heart breaking in a million little pieces at the idea of such a monumental structure becoming instantly fragile. My friend and I flew out to Paris the next day, not knowing what to expect when we arrived. It was her first time going, and we shared a collective sadness that she would not get a chance to see it in all its glory.
Arriving the city of light at a time when it was mourning one of its most iconic symbols was surreal. However, we were greeted with the most incredible weather you could imagine - the perfect springtime in Paris setting. So, we did as the tourists do, and hopped on a boat cruise one afternoon. While it was different to see the landmarks of Paris from the vantage point of the Seine, what struck me was the hoards of people who gathered on the bridges to catch a glimpse of the Notre Dame, which had naturally been closed off (in fact, the entire ile de la Cite was closed off).
I have been thinking of this memory a bit lately - how even in times of darkness, people come together. The news is grim, and scary, and uncertain. But we are also witnessing the best of mankind right now - people helping neighbors, artists performing from their homes, workers risking their lives to make sure our hospitals are clean, our shelves are stocked, and restaurants are providing free meals to students who would otherwise get their only meals at school.
Mayors are working 24 hours a day to ensure their residents have information and are staying safe. Nurses and doctors are working non stop to treat as many critical patients as they can. And companies are innovating in a moments notice by shifting their production lines to make much needed supplies for those on the front lines.
We have a long road before we can see the light again. But for now, the glimmers of hope from people is shining brightly.